2021-11-14, 13:30–13:45 (Europe/Athens), Room 1
Gisola is an open-source Python-based software for automatic MT calculation of seismic events provided by the FDSN Web Services in real-time, oriented for High-Performance Computing.
Automatic Moment Tensor (MT) determination for regional areas is essential for real-time
seismological applications such as stress inversion, shakemap generation, and tsunami warning.
Gisola applies enhanced algorithms for waveform data filtering via quality metrics such as signal-to-noise ratio, waveform clipping, data and meta-data inconsistency, long-period (“mouse”) disturbances, and current station evaluation based on comparison between its daily Power Spectral Density (PSD), Green’s Functions computation and more featuring a CPU multiprocessing implementation for faster calculations. The inversion procedure code (important phase of program) has been intensively improved by exploiting the performance efficiency of GPU-based multiprocessing implementation (with an automatic fallback to CPU-based multiprocessing in case of GPU hardware absence) and by unifying sub-programs to minimize I/O operations. In addition, a fine-grained 4D (space-time) adjustable source grid search is available for more accurate MT solutions. Moreover, Gisola expands its seismic data input resources by interconnecting to the FDSN Web Services and well-known seismological community standards (QuakeML, SeisComP, etc.). The operator has full control of all calculation aspects, with an extensive and adapted to regional data, configuration. The program can be installed on any computer that operates a Linux OS and has access to the FDSN Web Services via Internet, while the source code will be open and free to the scientific community.
Read more here: https://github.com/nikosT/Gisola/wiki/
Nikolaos Triantafyllis, PhD candidate holds the position of HPC high-level support engineer in GRNET. He has developed a HPC-oriented application for automatic moment tensor retrieval in real-time, operationally in use by the Institute of Geodynamics (GI) of NOA, which recently received an award from the EGU General Assembly 2021. Until lately, he held the position of the Technical Commission at the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA) in GI-NOA, while in the past, he participated in software development projects on security-bound applications at the Cyber Defense Department of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff. He graduated from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID) of the School of Engineering at the University of Patras in 2012, and in 2014 he received his MSc in Computer Science and Engineering from the same department. At the moment, he is working on his PhD on HPC Job Scheduling optimizations at the Computing Systems Laboratory (CSLAB) of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).