Open-Sourcing the Internet via the blockchain
2023-10-22, 16:15–16:45 (Europe/Athens), Αμφιθέaτρο Α

In recent years blockchain technologies have received a lot of criticism and a huge negative outlook from online communities on social media, and for good reason.

The reality is that scams, useless NFTs, and other shady activities have overshadowed the true purpose of the blockchain, decentralization.

The goal of this presentation is to show how the blockchain can be used to create fully open-sourced and transparent applications and allow for true data transparency while giving control to the user.

- Basic blockchain introduction.
- Diving into how a blockchain application works.
- How decentralized applications open-source the Internet.
- Giving control to the user via Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.
- Why isn't this mass-adopted, and how to get to mass adoption.

Software Developer and Startup Founder in the blockchain space.