Designing a Helmholtz Cage for ADCS Testing
2023-10-21, 12:15–12:45 (Europe/Athens), Α111-113

In the domain of space exploration, simulating space conditions on Earth is crucial for the development and testing of satellite systems. Helmholtz Cages play a pivotal role in space missions, as they create a controlled environment to replicate three-dimensional uniform magnetic fields — an essential aspect for the design and testing of Attitude Determination and Control Systems (ADCS).

During this presentation, my intention is to explore the concept and the physics that underlie the operation of Helmholtz Cages. I will outline the requirements and specifications governing their design. Moreover, I will delve into the intricacies of the Helmholtz Cage design process and address common challenges that one may encounter while working on such a project. Lastly, I will present the development of an open-source Helmholtz Cage project created by Libre Space Foundation in

I am a core contributor at the Libre Space Foundation. Additionally, I am in my fifth year of pursuing a mechanical engineering degree at NTUA. My objective and aspiration in life is to contribute to the development of space technology.