2023-10-21, 16:20–16:50 (Europe/Athens), Α111-113
What happens after a rocket achieves orbit? How does a satellite stay safe during launch and what happens after they leave their final home right before starting their mission? The answer is revealed during this presentation.
PICOBUS is an 8p, PocketQube deployer built by Libre Space Foundation. It is the first open-source hardware satellite deployer and it can successfully hold and deploy in orbit, up to 8 PocketQube Units.
A second PICOBUS deployer was built to participate in the second QUBIK mission, along with a new set of QUBIK PocketQubes (QUBIK-3 and QUBIk-4). This mission reached space on the 1st of October, 2022, onboard Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha Flight 2, #ToTheBlack mission. Both satellites worked as expected and the Deployer performed it's mission succesfully, deploying all satellites in ordit.
For the last year, Libre Space Foundation has been developing the second version of the Picobus. A more versatile and lightweight design with a lot of interesting features and mechanisms.
I am a mechanical engineer at LIbre Space Foundation