2023-10-21, 14:35–15:05 (Europe/Athens), Αμφιθέατρο Β
The goal of this year's Google Summer of Code (GSoC) projects was to apply more functionality to FOSSbot (the DIY educational robot) and improve the existing code. In this presentation we will discuss:
- A short summary of the FOSSbot Project.
- The new FOSSbot Web Simulator (developed by Manousos Linardakis as Google Summer of Code 2023 Project).
- Improvements on the FOSSbot platform and new code editor (developed by Dimitris Charitos as Google Summer of Code 2023 Project).
Manousos Linardakis is a fourth-year student pursuing his studies at the Department of Informatics and Telematics at Harokopio University of Athens. His most notable contributions to the realm of open-source development are the creation of FOSSbot CoppeliaSim simulator (in the summer of 2022) and FOSSbot web simulator during his participation in the Google Summer of Code 2023 Program. Manousos is interested in various fields of technology, including robotics, simulation, IoT and Artificial Intelligence.
Hello everyone! My name is Dimitris and I am a student in Harokopio University at the Department of Informatics and Telematics. I am interested in software development, robotics and cloud computing. My first contribution to open source happened with FOSSBot at the GSoC 2023 and it was a great experience. I am eager to contribute more to open source projects.