Introducing ext4backup
2023-10-22, 15:25–15:55 (Europe/Athens), Α115-117

Σε αυτή την ομιλία θα παρουσιάσω ένα μικρό tool που έγραψα για να πάρω backup το home folder μου, και γιατί το backup ή ακόμα και το απλό copy δεν είναι όσο απλό όσο ακούγεται. Θα δούμε τι κόλπα μπορούν να γίνουν, τι system calls μας δίνει ο πυρήνας για να παίξουμε, και τι κενά υπάρχουν στο API σε αυτή τη φάση.

Nick Kossifidis is a principal research engineer at the FORTH research center in Greece, with extensive experience in networking, systems software, and security. He has worked as an IT security consultant and penetration tester for Fortune 500 companies on high profile projects, and is an active contributor on security and software related topics within the RISC-V technical committee and the RISC-V community in general. Nick has multiple contributions in open source projects, including various subsystems of the Linux kernel, and is currently working on the bringup, validation, and optimization process of various RISC-V prototypes of the European Processor Initiative (EPI). He is also an activist and open source advocate, with an interest in community wifi networks and radio stations, open governance, and privacy.

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