Building a Scalable Media Transcoding Engine with Metaflow and FFmpeg on the Cloud
2023-10-22, 17:25–17:55 (Europe/Athens), Αμφιθέατρο Β

Media transcoding is integral for processing media content, yet it's often encumbered by scalability hurdles.

In our venture to surmount these hurdles, we devised a media transcoding engine employing Metaflow for streamlined workflow management and FFmpeg for robust media processing. Our solution is architectured to thrive on AWS cloud infrastructure, exemplifying scalability and the remarkable acceleration in development timelines facilitated by open-source tools.

Throughout the presentation, we'll unravel the architecture and extend hands-on insights on orchestrating and scaling a media transcoding engine on AWS. A spotlight will be cast on the rapid prototyping and iterative development enabled by Metaflow, underscoring our journey from concept to a working prototype within days.

Chrysostomos Galatoulas is a DevOps Engineer at Epignosis Learning Technologies, with a knack for containerization, infrastructure-as-code, serverless architecture, and diving into AWS cloud-based technologies. He has contributed to improving development pipelines at Epignosis and helping his team get a better grasp of cloud tech.