ARTEMIS: an Open-source Tool for Detecting BGP Prefix Hijacking in Real Time
2023-10-22, 16:00–16:20 (Europe/Athens), Αμφιθέατρο Β

ARTEMIS (Automatic and Real-Time dEtection and MItigation System) is an open-source tool that provides the following services to an operational network that deploys it:

  • Real-time monitoring of BGP updates, using BGP streaming services.
  • Accurate and comprehensive detection of BGP prefix hijacking attacks, within seconds from their initiation.
  • Flexible and automated mitigation of BGP prefix hijacking attacks, within seconds to minutes from the initiation of the attacks.

In this session, we will discuss the BGP protocol, BGP hijacking threats, and the current state of the ARTEMIS tool. A short demo will additionally be presented.

Alexandros Kornilakis is a software engineer at the FORTH research center in Greece. His professional/research interests include web application development, cybersecurity and data science.