Fosscomm 2022

Dimitris Mitropoulos

Dimitris Mitropoulos is the Head of the Reliability Engineering Directorate at the Greek National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET) and an Assistant Professor at the University of Athens. Previously, he has been a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Computer Science Department of Columbia University. Dimitris holds a PhD in Computer Security from the Athens University of Economics and Business and has been involved in several EU and US funded R&D projects. He is a member of ACM and IEEE.

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Operating Digital Public Services with OSS
Dimitris Mitropoulos

For the past three years GRNET has developed an infrastructure for horizontal services including the portal and gov wallet among others. To deploy and run such services, GRNET teams employ a CI/CD, cloud-native approach that involves an enabling environment for integrating open-source software components. In this context, DevOps can address reliability and security challenges by incorporating suitable tools such as scalability mechanisms and firewalls. In this talk we will present GRNET's approach to operate digital services and highlight the usage of open-source software through a number of real-world examples.

Room II