Georgios Manios
Georgios Manios obtained his BSc from the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics,University of Thessaly. Currently, he is a PhD Candidate at the same department, doing his thesis in Computational BIology.
![The speaker's profile picture](/media/avatars/manios_bio_XeFWGRk.jpg)
We present here two open-source packages for meta-analysis of gene expression: MAGE and MetaPcor. MAGE is an open-source Python package developed for the meta-analysis of gene expression data. It contains functions to convert probes to gene identifiers, and to perform standard meta-analysis, meta-analysis with bootstrap standard errors, and meta-analysis of multiple outcomes, as well as functional enrichment analysis. Additionally, visualizations for every function of this software package are provided. MAGE is available both in a standalone version and as a webserver. MetaPcor is an open-source R software package designed to perform meta-analysis of gene expression studies with partial correlation as effect size. It contains functions to support features for the conversion of probes to gene identifiers, three methods to perform fixed and random effects meta-analysis of gene expression studies and graphical representations. MetaPcor is available both as a standalone package and as a Shiny web service.