Evaluation of Python Code Quality using Multiple Source Code Analyzers
2023-10-22, 17:35–17:50 (Europe/Athens), Α115-117

Τhis service tool records the progress of GitHub projects and conducts a comprehensive multi-metric analysis of Python code. The static code analysis is performed using a variety of Python tools. Two real-world GitHub projects from the domains of data analysis and image processing are examined, and the findings of the analyses are reported.

My talk will highlight the undeniable importance of software quality, the need to embrace tools like this and the tremendous benefits they bring to open science and open source initiatives. By empowering developers with powerful analysis capabilities, we can collectively advance software quality and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation in our communities.

I just finished my bachelor's at University of Macedonia, Applied Informatics. I am interested in software engineer research and I have worked as a Junior Software Developer before. I am a founding member of the Open Source UoM promoting the free and open software/hardware at our University. Also I have been a volunteer at FOSSCOMM 2021.

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