Unlocking the Power of Open Source: A Journey with KDE and Beyond
2023-10-21, 14:35–14:53 (Europe/Athens), Αμφιθέaτρο Α

In this lightning talk, we discover how to contribute effectively to the KDE community, whether you're a coder, designer, translator, or documentation enthusiast. We'll share our remarkable journey as an Open Source UoM and how KDE principles are integrated into academic curricula, fostering innovation and collaboration.

Learn about our involvement in organizing KDE Akademy 2023, where we experienced the vibrant KDE community firsthand and gained valuable insights into its future. Moreover, we're excited to call for hosts of KDE Akademy 2024, offering a chance for you or your organization to be a part of this prestigious event.

I just finished my bachelor's at University of Macedonia, Applied Informatics. I am interested in software engineer research and I have worked as a Junior Software Developer before. I am a founding member of the Open Source UoM promoting the free and open software/hardware at our University. Also I have been a volunteer at FOSSCOMM 2021.

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